Sunday, 17 June 2007

So here is the scoop

First off - we have landed a mega sponsorship allocation which means we are passing the savings on to you!!! We have reduced the price of the venue to £99.99. Cool huh? If you have paid the full amount we will refund you this week.

Secondly anyone who books to come to our venue between now and the end of July will be eligible to win one of Teresa Mcfaydens new books which I have bought 5 copies of (current ticket holders will be entered into the draw too!)

Thirdly will be bringing to you some sneaks of the classes in September. Hold onto your drawers for that ladies!

And finally I wanted to address the speed scrapping issue again. Learning from the feedback we have already we have decided to drop this notion as its scaring the pants off you (and me!!!). So we have decided to run normal paced classes in the same time frame to the day. You are accustomed to Jane Dean's amazing standard of artwork but do please visit both Maria Grace and Teresa's blogs to get in tune with what to expect.

Look out for our blog updates which we will run twice weekly so we can keep your appetitie well and truly whetted (is that even a word?!!).

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Exciting News

On sunday I have some very exciting news regarding this event.
Gather up with your cocoa on sunday night and await with glee.

Meanwhile, check out teresa news on her book release here

Its all good xx